Thursday, 26 July 2012

You are now pronounced DEAD.

A blog post by Dr. Erhumu. I fancied it. So thus, I'm reblogging it :)

Read a story about someone who was discovered alive after being put in the mortuary - Scary, very scary. It would have been priceless though to see the face of the mortuary attendant or whoever discovered him. Imagine opening up a body and the 'dead' body goes,"o hello there,i've been wondering when someone would stop by".

What are the end of life signs?

Doctors usually do some physical examination
before pronouncing someone dead, these include:

Checking the pupils

Checking the pulses

Checking the heart beat

Checking for respiration

There was mild drama recently in the ER when a doctor certified a body dead. While the body was being taken away, there was a loud uproar around the Emergency room that the body had moved.
The body was quickly rushed back to the doctor.
The doctor fearing a possible mob action had to ask for an unbiased second opinion.
Of course, the body was still dead. So what must have happened? Your guess is as good as mine.

Many a time i find myself going through the motion of checking a body that is so obviously dead and feeling stupid about it. Imagine an almost decomposing body brought to the ER, then imagine a doctor bringing out his fancy stethoscope, checking the heart, looking at the eyes, checking for respiration." Hello! He's been dead 2 days!"

Notwithstanding, it would be quite callous and completely irresponsible for a doctor to go,"o yeah, i see him, he's dead alright, cover him up", without performing even some perfunctory checks.

For medico-legal reasons you still have to check and maybe double check however unpleasant it is; because, strange things still occur that may be hard to explain away scientifically.

'Make way, subjects coming through'

I normally dont do this. I normally dont blog what happens to me in daily life. Because if I do, my readers would be bored(I'm an ordinary student living an ordinary life.).
But this time I'd like to share a rather fun (funny) experience that had happened on Wed (25th July).

You see, I might have joined med school already but I'm still in the preparatory phase. So, we're not officially Year 1 students just yet. The REAL Year 1 med students were having their Professional Exams this week. Their last paper was the Practical part where they had to perform Auscultary (blood pressure taking) for patients. Since they're first year students, it wouldnt be appropriate to perform on REAL patients so our Lectures asked for volunteers. And yes. We the Prep Course students volunteered as their SUBJECTS.

We felt like lab rats.
It was hilarious.
The students were so nervous , I felt soooo pity by just looking at them.
Nervousness can really bring down one's performance. Some of em' did everything upside down. I didnt know whether to laugh or help them. (I couldnt do both)

We were in alot of pain at the end of the session . Blood pressure taking can be painful if you pump a lil tooo much.

But trust me, we have all become so good in Auscultary. When its our turn next year, we (I Hope) will ace this part of the examination.

Sunday, 8 July 2012


Blogging from my phone.  What else could be simpler?

Wonder why I never thought of this earlier.

Oh well.

Toodles for now.